Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Functional Nutrition Testing
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Gas & Bloating
Monday, February 14, 2011
Trying to be Healthy...

What is health really? Is it merely the absence of disease… are we either healthy or diseased? Is there not a very large GREY area…
I don’t want to just be healthy I want to be vibrant, fantastic, energized!
Where are you on the health scale?
Wherever we are, we can move towards vibrant one step at a time, the challenge in this crazy life is HOW .
I have found that intentions are key. I intend to be healthy daily, I make choices and decisions and began this practice long ago. I live in balance and truly enjoy yummy indulgences and also truly enjoy the plethora of veggies I eat too!
Health is a journey.. there is no end. We have to enjoy the process if we are to progress.
Learn to let go of struggle, let go of fear, release the need for perfection and surrender to the unfolding of your body’s natural desire for wellness. Make little choices daily, set your intention towards feeling optimal.