Monday, September 30, 2013
Day 8 - 30 day food
9:30am - Lovegrown Hot Oats to go - strawberry with a scoop of protein added.
11am - taught class
12:30 - I'm hungry, but have to go directly to dentist and can't brush, so I'll wait to eat!
2pm - Leftover black rice, Wild Veggie broccoli soup, 1 egg, 3 bites of organic beef stew meat.
4-5:30 workout
7:30pm - 2 scoops PaleoCleanse with Flax milk & a Biogenesis bar
10pm - egg whites with chard & vegan Swiss cheese
Day 7- 30 day food blog
Sunday - Seahawks, Italian Festa & Friends in town makes for a long day away from the house.
9am - SO Delicious Greek style yogurt in the car headed to Seattle with friends to watch the game
11:30am - Brunch at " 5 Spot" on QueenAnn Hilll. Yay they have a GF menu! I order the goat scramble (goat cheese with arugula and fresh herbs with hash browns and GF toast). 2 cups coffee over 3.5 hours with some soy milk.
2pm - Italian Festa at the Seattle Center. I brought some Hempler's Chicken peperoni, an apple and an InBar as I didn't think there would be anything I could eat, but low and behold there is a booth with all GF items. Roasted pork shoulder with herbs on polenta and stewed tomatoes.
5Pm - Lemon Ice gelato and a glass of wine
6Pm - Glass of wine while listening to my friends dad play the accordion- It is the Italian Festa of course!
7:30pm - Pesos Restaurant - We have to go pick up another friend from the airport at 9pm so I guess we're eating a 3rd meal out for the day! This doesn't happen very ofter! I order grilled cod fajitas and eat 2 corn tortillas with peppers, onions, guac, salsa and lettuce.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Day 6 - 30 day food blog
8am - workout
930am - 1 cup oatbran with flax milk, stevia & a little coconut sugar
12:30pm- Hempler's chicken peperoni stick & So Delicious Greek sytle almond milk yogurt
3:30pm- Leftover kale broccoli salad & halibut with a little tartar sauce
6:30pm - Out to dinner with the family. Trumpeter Restaurant in Mt. Vernon.
Lots of yummy looking GF choices!
Shared appetizers- GF Calamari & Anti-pasta: salami, Prosciutto, Goat cheese, olives, homemade GF bread.
Lamb burger with homemade GF bun- I ate half. one GF beer
two Andee Mints
Day 5 - 30 day food blog
Juice Fast Friday
I woke up HUNGRY and don't want to juice fast today... but since I am the coach I must!
630am - I did have some of Team Fitness's delicious organic coffee with steamed almond milk
8:30am - Taught Silver Sneakers
9am - Vanilla Ultra Lean Pea Protein with coconut milk & stevia
11am - Fresh juice: Organic kale, apple, fennel, yam & broccoli
12:30 - Komplete Meal Replacement
1:30 - coconut Juice
3pm - tangerine cuite with protein
3:30pm Workout
4:30pm taught water aerobics
5:30pm Komplete Meal replancement
7pm coconut Juice & More of fresh juice from this morning
9pm- Wild Veggie carrot puree soup & PaleoCleanse with Flax Milk
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Day 4 - 30 day food blog
9am - Living Intentions sprouted acai cereal with Flax Milk & a handful of raisins
Prepped for dinner - chopped broccoli and onion, cooked Forbidden black rice. Packed Lunch.
12:30pm - Smoothie: Flax milk, Ultra Lean Protein, Greens, CoQ10 powder, MSM powder.
4Pm - Cucumber slices, 2 packets of Hope hummus, 1/2 cup forbidden black rice.
6pm - Ultra Lean protein and coconut milk and greens.
8:30pm - Broccoli salad: chopped broccoli, onions, raisins, apple cider vinegar, MCT oil, sea salt. Poached halibut with Vegan tartar sauce.
Day 3 - 30 day food log
I didn't sleep much last night so after my 5:30am client - I got to go back to bed until 10am!
10:30am - Almond milk Greek style yogurt & Steaz zero calorie iced tea
1pm - Finished the left over beef roast and had leftover gluten free pasta with red sauce from Mother in Law. 4:30-6pm - workout 6pm - Ultra Lean pea protein with coconut milk and greens 8:30pm - Mom's for dinner: brown rice with shrimp and sweet & sour cabbage
10:30am - Almond milk Greek style yogurt & Steaz zero calorie iced tea
1pm - Finished the left over beef roast and had leftover gluten free pasta with red sauce from Mother in Law. 4:30-6pm - workout 6pm - Ultra Lean pea protein with coconut milk and greens 8:30pm - Mom's for dinner: brown rice with shrimp and sweet & sour cabbage
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Day 2- 30 day food log
9:30am - Taught Yoga Class
10:30am - Komplete Meal Replacement shake
12:30pm - In Bar - These are actually a really filling bar!
2:30pm- Left Over Organic beef roast & veggies
4:15pm - Taught yoga class
6pm (starving, but have to teach a class, I definitely should have had a little more at lunch) Protein shake: Vegan Ultra Lean pea protein with coconut milk, strawberries, greens and stevia.
6:30-8pm - Taught cycle and a 30 minute Team workout
9pm - I was going to finish off the crockpot meal, but my fabulous Mother in Law brought me Gluten Free pasta with turkey meatballs so I ate two meatballs and about 2/3 cup pasta with red sauce. I also had two radishes and left over pice de gallo with avocado.
Midnight - Woke up with heartburn ( this is unusual for me, I think It's because I took my vitamins right before I went to bed and they didn't make it all the way to my stomach!) I got up and had two pieces of Canyon Bake House gluten free toast with coconut oil.
10:30am - Komplete Meal Replacement shake
12:30pm - In Bar - These are actually a really filling bar!
2:30pm- Left Over Organic beef roast & veggies
4:15pm - Taught yoga class
6pm (starving, but have to teach a class, I definitely should have had a little more at lunch) Protein shake: Vegan Ultra Lean pea protein with coconut milk, strawberries, greens and stevia.
6:30-8pm - Taught cycle and a 30 minute Team workout
9pm - I was going to finish off the crockpot meal, but my fabulous Mother in Law brought me Gluten Free pasta with turkey meatballs so I ate two meatballs and about 2/3 cup pasta with red sauce. I also had two radishes and left over pice de gallo with avocado.
Midnight - Woke up with heartburn ( this is unusual for me, I think It's because I took my vitamins right before I went to bed and they didn't make it all the way to my stomach!) I got up and had two pieces of Canyon Bake House gluten free toast with coconut oil.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Day 1 - 30 day food blog!
830am steel cut oats - soaked saturday night and cooked sunday.
With cinnamon, stevia and unsweet flax milk.
11am teach class
1230 gluten & dairy free made with stevia organic apple strudel - from mom's amazing kitchen.
230 organic beef roast with peppers, squash, mushrooms - cooked in crockpot all day Sunday
4-530 workout
730pm leftovers from friday , kelp noodles with tomato sauce and free range canned chicken. Happy baby squeeze berries and pears. One more piece of mom's apple treat.
9pm homemade pico de gallo with avocado.
830am steel cut oats - soaked saturday night and cooked sunday.
With cinnamon, stevia and unsweet flax milk.
11am teach class
1230 gluten & dairy free made with stevia organic apple strudel - from mom's amazing kitchen.
230 organic beef roast with peppers, squash, mushrooms - cooked in crockpot all day Sunday
4-530 workout
730pm leftovers from friday , kelp noodles with tomato sauce and free range canned chicken. Happy baby squeeze berries and pears. One more piece of mom's apple treat.
9pm homemade pico de gallo with avocado.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
What we eat today impacts our grandchildren...
What we eat today impacts our grandchildren...
There is an emerging field called epigenetics, or in other words, we influence or genes!
We have control over much of how our genetic blueprint is expressed by the every day choices we make. There is only about 8% that we cannot control
This means that every chemical, nutrient, thought, radio wavelength, emotion and breath is shaping not only ourselves, but the state of health of our world in the future. This new science should make us all really think twice about if we are choosing organic, non-GMO, grass-fed, non-processed healthy food!
Don't let this depress us, let it inspire us, let it motivate us and challenge us to make the very best choices for the most vital future! The time is NOW! Get fid of toxins, Get full of micronutrients!
Contact me for more details on Detoxifying the body and optimizing nutrition.
There is an emerging field called epigenetics, or in other words, we influence or genes!
We have control over much of how our genetic blueprint is expressed by the every day choices we make. There is only about 8% that we cannot control
This means that every chemical, nutrient, thought, radio wavelength, emotion and breath is shaping not only ourselves, but the state of health of our world in the future. This new science should make us all really think twice about if we are choosing organic, non-GMO, grass-fed, non-processed healthy food!
Don't let this depress us, let it inspire us, let it motivate us and challenge us to make the very best choices for the most vital future! The time is NOW! Get fid of toxins, Get full of micronutrients!
Contact me for more details on Detoxifying the body and optimizing nutrition.

Thursday, September 5, 2013
Food Plague
Food Plague, by Arden Andersen, DO, MSPH, PHD
"There are many topics to cover regarding health, food quality, and longevity. Fundamentally, the most important aspect is nutrition: specifically, what vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, fatty acids, antioxidants and phytonutrients will the food provide. Unfortunately most people, especially doctors turn to dieticians for "nutritional" information and advice. Dieticians are trained in the art of fats, proteins and carbohydrates: balancing energy, following the USDA contrived food pyramid, which only guarantees the sale of more junk agricultural commodities and perpetuation of human suffering and disease.
Hospital dietary plans are a good example of what not to eat. NUTRITION is what needs to be addressed: specifically, that which is contained in the food coming of the farm. Everything else is secondary to the nutrient value of the food because the body's ability to function properly, fully in a healthy state is determined by what nutrition is taken in by the body. Certainly there are concerns for pesticide and chemical residues, toxic metals, and pathogens: however the body's ability to deal with these assaults is entirely determined by the comprehensiveness by the of the nutrition taken in via the food and supplementation."
This is an amazing book! I share this excerpt to point out the difference between dieticians and Clinical Nutritionists (i.e. Me! ) . I don't believe all dieticians are horrible, I just know from experience and education our backgrounds typically are very different.
As a Clinical Nutritionist with a Master's degree I am trained in biochemistry, cellular biology and metabolic pathways. I also have much education in exercise science, psychology and brain chemistry. I point this out not to toot my own horn but to differentiate the care one receives from different professionals. I work with my clients on a personal and individual level not only with calories and macronutrient (proteins, carbs, fats) recommendations, but with micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, fatty acids), metabolic distubances (food allergies, detoxification, etc.) and behavioral and emotional aspects of eating.
Chapter 1.
" Our bodies are complex organisms, electrical in nature, consisting of trillions of cells made up of at least eighty different minerals, thousands of different proteins, fatty acids, organic acids, lipids, sugars and of course water. Our cells undergo billions (yes billions with a "b") atomic and molecular reactions every second. The efficiency and effectiveness of these reactions depend upon the adequacy and balance of all the nutrients involved, directly and indirectly. One missing or inadequately supplied nutrient disrupts the entire metabolic factory or worst case, can shut down entire metabolic pathway."
This is exactly true and is why I have invested my time, energy and money to study Functional Medicine. Metabolic testing for nutrients, allergies, detoxification, etc. is the way we will truly be able to manifest vibrant health. WE now have the possibility at looking at our own individual nutrient needs. Let's test... NOT Guess!
I am so excited to offer Nutrition Based Health Care through cutting edge research. We can feel and look our best when we give the body what it needs and remove what is inhibiting optimal function. Let's get it done today!
"There are many topics to cover regarding health, food quality, and longevity. Fundamentally, the most important aspect is nutrition: specifically, what vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, fatty acids, antioxidants and phytonutrients will the food provide. Unfortunately most people, especially doctors turn to dieticians for "nutritional" information and advice. Dieticians are trained in the art of fats, proteins and carbohydrates: balancing energy, following the USDA contrived food pyramid, which only guarantees the sale of more junk agricultural commodities and perpetuation of human suffering and disease.
Hospital dietary plans are a good example of what not to eat. NUTRITION is what needs to be addressed: specifically, that which is contained in the food coming of the farm. Everything else is secondary to the nutrient value of the food because the body's ability to function properly, fully in a healthy state is determined by what nutrition is taken in by the body. Certainly there are concerns for pesticide and chemical residues, toxic metals, and pathogens: however the body's ability to deal with these assaults is entirely determined by the comprehensiveness by the of the nutrition taken in via the food and supplementation."
This is an amazing book! I share this excerpt to point out the difference between dieticians and Clinical Nutritionists (i.e. Me! ) . I don't believe all dieticians are horrible, I just know from experience and education our backgrounds typically are very different.
As a Clinical Nutritionist with a Master's degree I am trained in biochemistry, cellular biology and metabolic pathways. I also have much education in exercise science, psychology and brain chemistry. I point this out not to toot my own horn but to differentiate the care one receives from different professionals. I work with my clients on a personal and individual level not only with calories and macronutrient (proteins, carbs, fats) recommendations, but with micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, fatty acids), metabolic distubances (food allergies, detoxification, etc.) and behavioral and emotional aspects of eating.
Chapter 1.
" Our bodies are complex organisms, electrical in nature, consisting of trillions of cells made up of at least eighty different minerals, thousands of different proteins, fatty acids, organic acids, lipids, sugars and of course water. Our cells undergo billions (yes billions with a "b") atomic and molecular reactions every second. The efficiency and effectiveness of these reactions depend upon the adequacy and balance of all the nutrients involved, directly and indirectly. One missing or inadequately supplied nutrient disrupts the entire metabolic factory or worst case, can shut down entire metabolic pathway."
This is exactly true and is why I have invested my time, energy and money to study Functional Medicine. Metabolic testing for nutrients, allergies, detoxification, etc. is the way we will truly be able to manifest vibrant health. WE now have the possibility at looking at our own individual nutrient needs. Let's test... NOT Guess!
I am so excited to offer Nutrition Based Health Care through cutting edge research. We can feel and look our best when we give the body what it needs and remove what is inhibiting optimal function. Let's get it done today!
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